Monday 20 January 2014


I managed to finally find a base texture for my windows that I was happy with, it's a hand hewn wood texture that I have been modifying to use for the diffuse of my beams, windows and a couple of other assets.  I moved onto the windows and made a template to use for the flowers on the frames.  I'll either use an alpha in ZBrush or model in some geometry in 3ds Max and then bring it into ZBrush.

In the meantime I decided to get on with my tiling thatch texture.  I did some experimenting in 3ds Max to model the bundles of straw.  The thatch is not really seen much so I knew I didn't have to spend much time on it.

When I was trying to project my template onto my plane to begin using the 2.5D method I had used for my wall I had several problems with the old method I used in 4R2 not working in 4R6.

I had a hell of a lot of problems with ZBrush crashing when trying to perform best renders, it wasted a lot of my time.

After I finished the texture I popped it into UDK next to a couple of models with flat diffuse textures to check the colours were working together.

I then found I had a problem with the texture going a bit crazy at a distance, I think that the high detail of the texture might be an issue to be viewed at from a distance.  I'm still trying to figure out the problem and seeing if I can get around it.

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