Monday 14 October 2013

Let the Games Begin!

For my final year project at Teesside University, after much deliberation, I have finally decided to create Rhosgobel from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

I will model the interior of the ground floor of the house and the stairs that wind up to the first floor.

I will use 3ds Max for modelling my assets, Zbrush to add extra detail through sculpting, Photoshop for texturing and I will implement it all in UDK.  My primary objective for this project is to have a complete scene flythrough.  I also want some of my assets to be animated so that the scene isn’t static, some boiling liquids in pots, a burning fire and possibly some insects.  I’m unsure of the latter, I will have to do some experimenting in my scene to see how well it would work.

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