Wednesday 13 November 2013

I Did it!

I spent an awful long time messing about with the rope...  a seriously awful time.  Having no luck with loft and many tutorials I went and spoke with a friend who game me a few ways that he would go about it.

I gave those a try and none of them were really turning out how I wanted.  They would only look nice when the tri count was through the roof.  I then had a little bright idea of how to model the strands...

I got it to work! And the tri count was... reasonably high.  But looking at games like Shadowfall coming out, and the fact that in my flythtough by camera is going to sweep right past this rope, it didn't bother me too much.

Okay, so here is what I did.

1) 6 sided cylinder
    44 segments
    553mm tall

2) Connect the edges
    -56 offset

3) Connect again
    Drag verts in

4) Twist modifier of 900 odd

5) Turbosmooth

6) Remove every other edge

Put on a path deform and there we go, a nice organic looking rope.  I'll have to mess around with it a little but the basics are there.  This rope in the bucket is 1,840 tris... yeah, it's high! But again, it's fine as long as I can justify it.  I am going to look at it to see if I can knock it down some more.  I did try this method with lower sided cylinders but it didn't work.

Quite pleased with this though!  I've just got to figure out the unwrap and how to make it tileable, unwrapping it before twisting it may be the answer.

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome! really nice way of doing it as well. The unwrap would be super easy and neat doing it like this if you unwrap it before you twist it.
