Wednesday 27 November 2013

Time for an Update!

Okay so I have been messing around with the diffuse on a couple assets, here's me trying to do minor adjustments with the bucket.

This is currently what the bucket looks like with a flat light in UDK.  I've yet to texture the rope. I'm unsure whether I have made the water leaks too dark.  But it's something I can really easily change down the line.

One thing that is annoying me about the bucket it the wood normals, they still look flat.  I think I am going to have to do some more tweaking.

Hmm... rope texturing has hit a wall.  I slapped a quick texture on there to see how the rope twisted.  I've noticed that there is no way this would hold up as a rope, the stands hardly intertwine.  This means I'll have to go back and change the rope geometry, most likely start from scratch!  Just as well I have a lot of incremental saves.

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